Tuesday 10 December 2013


Long time no see my blog. Dah bersawang berhabuk dah blog aku ni. Lama gila tak berblogging

Saturday 24 August 2013


assalamualaikum. Have u ever been in a situation that u feel so down ? if the answer is yes, we are in the same boat. Last week , i felt so down because of my bad performance in study. Calculus ruined my days. I felt so useless when I can't defeat my friends. It is hard for me to accept the fact that i'm not leading anymore. my heart said "Amrin, u have broke your parents heart". My parents always put the high expectations on me. My dad once said " Angah(they called me so), u are my only hope, not your bro or your sis, but YOU ! ". I'm afraid of one day i can't give what they want. So, during the weekend I went to Masjid India to release my stress. maybe Allah has planned something to open my eyes. I met with a handicapped man.- standing with one foot only. yea , this time i felt so thankful to Allah for giving me a healthy body. But i'm so impressed with the guy. Although he is not like normal people, but he don't ask for help or sympathy from people. He stand firmly without any help. "Look at him Amrin, he has strong determination to stand up and walk at the pedestrian". i hereby admit that i'm not as strong as him. Next, i found out that giving sedeqah to needy people also help me to lower my ego. I thought that I'm the one who has big problem, but people around me has the bigger problem. Alhamdulillah, Allah just gave me peace. Now I know how to deal with stress. (photo credit to www.eveandersson.com)

Thursday 18 July 2013


kekadang aku rasa fobia untuk jatuh cinta lagi. Pengalaman dikecewakan seakan-akan telah cukup bagiku. Tapi aku tahu Allah sedang merancang yang terbaik untuk masa depan aku. Aku selalu mengingatkan diriku dengan firman Allah dalam surah Al-baqarah:216 "Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui" sejauh manapun kita menyayangi seseorang, tapi jika Allah mengatakan dia bukan jodoh kita, maka terimalah ia seadanya. Di dalam soal jodoh, jangan letakkan soal rupa paras sebagai perkara utama kerana rupa paras itu tidak kekal. Jika usia tua menjelma, maka kerepot jua. pilihlah pasangan yang memahami dirimu dan boleh menerimamu sedanya. Memetik kata-kata Ustaz Azhar Idrus " dok comey dakpe , buleh tutup lampu". haha. Kata-katanya dalam nada yang begurau begitu bermakna maksudnya. Waakhirul kalam , pilihlah permata yang bersinar dan berharga , bukannya kaca yang bersalut selut lagi kotor. Wallahua'lam